W trakcie seminarium zostanie zreferowana zawartość pracy ,,Analytic semigroups and factorization problems", która niedługo zostanie przesłana do druku.
The main goal of this paper is to initiate study of analytic semigroups as a general framework for quantitative theory of factorization. So far the latter subject was developed either in concrete settings, for instance in orders of number fields, or abstractly, in an axiomatic way. Some of the abstract approaches are too general to address delicate problems concerning oscillatory nature of the related counting functions, or are too restrictive in the sense that they suffer from the lack of examples except classical ones i.e. the Hilbert semigroups of algebraic integers and their products. The notion of an analytic semigroup is enough flexible to allow constructions of many other examples, and also ensures sufficiently reach analytic structure. In particular, we construct examples of such semigroups with the associated L-functions being products of classical Dirichlet L-functions and L-functions of twisted unitary cuspidal automorphic representations of GLd(𝔸ℚ) satisfying the Ramanujan conjecture and having real coefficients. Finally, to illustrate how a typical problem from the quantitative theory of factorization can be studied in the framework of analytic semigroups, we formulate several results concerning oscillations of the remainder term in the asymptotic formula for the number of irreducible elements with norms less or equal x, as x tends to infinity.