Bill Mance
Normal numbers with respect to the Cantor series expansions
sala: B2-39,  godz. 1000 - 1200
In the first half of this talk, we will discuss classical results on normal numbers and their connections to ergodic theory, probability theory, fractal geometry, and computability theory. We will define natural notions of normality for other expansions such as the continued fraction expansion, β-expansions, and Lüroth series expansion. In the second half of the talk, we will focus on the theory of normality for the Cantor series expansion, which differs greatly from all the previously mentioned expansions. In particular, we will discuss a recent paper that explores new connections between normal numbers for the Cantor series expansions, fractal geometry, and Diophantine equations.
Paweł Karasek
Metoda okręgu i binarna hipoteza Goldbacha
sala: B2-39,  godz. 1000 - 1200
Na odczycie zostanie zaprezentowany szkic dowodu tw. Winogradowa oraz powody, dla których analogiczna metoda jest zbyt słaba, żeby rozwiązać binarną hipotezę Goldbacha. Pokazana zostanie także nowa metoda dowodu tego twierdzenia, która potencjalnie może być użyta do osiągnięcia dalszych rezultatów.